How to order
Step 1: Register/Log in to your account.
Step 2: Select the products that you would like to purchase and add to cart
Step 3: View your cart and fill in the detail.
Step 4: Key in your delivery details.
-Recipient Name
-Recipient Contact
-Recipient Address
-Message Card
-Delivery Date (refer to selected pre-order days)
-Delivery/Pick Up
-Purchaser Name
-Purchaser Contact
Step 5: Select your payment method, and check your order details before clicking "Place Order Now". By order confirmation, it will be deemed that the Terms and Conditions are understood and accepted as applying to your order.
Step 7: Make payment and you will receive a confirmation email once the order is placed successfully.
Step 8: Begin preparation of your order and wait for the flower to be sent to your/recipient doorstep!
Upon placing an order, it will be deemed that the Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Delivery Information and Refund Policy are understood and accepted as applying to your order.